Clone of Announcements

Weekly Announcements

The Sampler newsletter is now being emailed to all on our listings.   Please contact the  church office if you have not received your copy or if your require a paper copy.


Thanksgiving Pot-Luck Dinner

November 23rd, 2018

Thanksgiving Pot-Luck Dinner, z

Thursday, November 22nd.
Please speak with Joan Harrison for details.

Thanksgiving Dinner


Dear Mark,

This Sunday couples will renew their wedding vows. It's just one way in which we celebrate love. God created us out of love, for love, and in love. We invite you to connect with love. Join us on Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Soli Deo Gloria,
Mark Andrew+

This is replacement text

Thanksgiving Mass

November 21,st 2018

Thanksgiving Vigil Mass Wednesday,
November 21st 7:00 p.m.
The night before sitting down with family and friends, give thanks to Almighty God who provides such abundant bounty.prices.


Book Sale

November 12th, 2018

Book Sale Monday, November 12th
Paperback and hard cover - over 5,000 books at very low prices.

Book Sale

Blood Drive

October 7th, 2018

Blood Drive Sunday, October 7th
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Please plan to give and help save lives.

Blood Drive

Blessing of The Animals

October 7th, 2018

Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 7th
At All Services - 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Invite friends and neighbors with pets. Celebrate God's Good Creation! And remember that we're always pet friendly.

Blessing of the Animals

City Commission Forum

September 15th, 2018

St. Nicholas to HostCity Commission District #2 Candidates, Saturday, September 15th, at 5:00 p.m.
The Forum will take place in the church sanctuary.

Candidates Forum

Commissioning Sunday & Ministry Fair 

September 9th, 2018

Commissioning of all ministries will take place at both the 8:00 a.m. and the 10:30 a.m. services. There also will be a ministry fair to help everyone connect, serve, and grow in faith. We'll also be commissioning lay ministers and the Daughters of the King will induct new members.

Serve & Grow

Broward Health North- Free Training

September 8th, 2018

Broward Health North - Free Training Session: Stop The Bleed. Saturday, September 8th, from
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
This training will teach non-professional first responders how to apply tourniquets and pack wounds.

Join Fr. Mark Andrew and Diane Jones who have already registered. Go to

Stop Bleeding

Underwear Sunday 

September 2nd, 2018

Please donate new men's and women's underwear for distribution to homeless individuals through St. Laurence Chapel.
Also, the overnight shelter ministry can use towels to be used after showering.
Please Help!


Education for Ministry

September 6th, 2018

The next program year starts September 6th. Not sure? Attend the orientation breakfast at 9:00 a.m. on August 25th at St. Ambrose. For more information, please contact Larry Grishaber (email: or cell 954.401.6043).

EfM image

Our Success!

Back to School Backpack Ministry

For the 3rd consecutive year we want to help under-privileged children through the Deerfield Beach Housing Authority. We want to donate 63 backpacks with supplies at a cost of $23 per pack. Please make checks payable to St. Nicholas, indicating "Backpacks" on the memo line.

Backpack Ministry St Nicholas Episcopal Pompano

Ongoing Announcements

Holy Grill Coverage

Everyone deserves a vacation break. As some of the Holy Grill volunteers take a break, we could use volunteers who are willing to give of their time to provide vacation relief. Please see Bob Ried, our Program Ministry Director.

Holy Grill celeb Mark Diane Bob HG

Parish Nurse

Sharon Dusek will be available after both services on Sunday, March 19th, to perform blood pressure checks.

Parish Nurse Ministry


Be A Winner - Play Bingo Thursdays from 
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sundays from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Doors Open One Hour Before Gaming
