The Journey to Tithing by Proportional Giving
The biblical concept of stewardship challenges us to recognize
that everything was created by God and is ultimately owned by
God. We are only stewards or managers of these resources.
“Show me your checkbook and I can tell you your values or
priorities” is a common saying of uncertain origin. Money is
powerful, and how we invest it, spend it, or give it speaks
volumes about what we value. Our finances are one of the key
areas where Christians practice stewardship, mindful of how we
use resources to further God’s kingdom and
care for others – all children of God.
Tithes and offerings have been the chief way financial
stewardship has been practiced by God’s people throughout
Scripture. Please pledge what you can to support
St. Nicholas’ life-giving ministries.
What is Tithing?
Despite the fact that many people use the word “tithe”
synonymously with any church-related giving, the word tithe
literally means “tenth.” The tithe was an obligatory offering from
the law of Moses requiring 10 percent of an Israelite’s first
fruits. These tithes were given as “first fruits,”
meaning God was given the best of what they had.
We first see the tithe in the story of the encounter of Abraham,
our father in faith, with Melchizedek. Melchizedek, whose name
means King of Righteousness and who had the title King of
Salem or the King of Peace, as well as being priest of God Most
High, brings out bread and wine and blesses Abraham.
Abraham in turn gives Melchizedek 10% of all he has.
(Genesis 14:17-20; see also Hebrews 7:1-3).
Tithing is mentioned many times in Scripture.
See for example: Leviticus 27:30-34; Numbers 18:26;
Deuteronomy 12:5-6 and 14:28; 2 Chronicles 31:4-6; Nehemiah
10:35-37; Amos 4:4-5; Malachi 3:10; Mark 12:41-44; Luke 11:42.
Tithing is officially the minimum standard of giving in the
Episcopal Church. See for example: General Convention
Resolutions 1982-A116; 10988-A164; 1997-A138; 2009-D055.
“Stewardship Statement and Affirming Tithing, General
Convention Resolution 2000-A106.
Giving 3 percent, 5 percent, or 7 percent of one’s income
to the church is proportionate giving and a method on the
journey to tithing, but it is not a tithe. To tithe is to give 10%
Fewer than one-quarter of any congregation tithes.
On average, Christians give about 2.5 percent of their
income to churches.
Tithing is associated with many spiritual benefits.
Through tithing one may deepen one’s trust and relationship with
God. It also gives one a greater sense of
freedom from material things.
Please pledge (at whatever amount) to show your support for
St. Nicholas and our life-giving ministries.
Please also prayerfully consider Your journey on the road to
tithing by making a proportional pledge relative to income.

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