Holy Provisions

Holy Provisions Free Community Market & Pantry
On Tuesday mornings St. Nicholas receives shipments of food that volunteers breakdown and then organize for distribution. On Tuesday afternoons clients shop, selecting fruits, vegetables, and proteins, enabling 100-120 food insecure households receive free supplies.
Blessing Bags for the Homeless
At Christmas, large Publix bags are filled with socks, water, toiletries, snacks, and treats for distribution to the homeless. Periodically, throughout the year small bags are filled with socks, water, insect repellant, and snacks, which parishioners carry in their car to be given to needy individuals on street corners.
Blessing Bags

Back-To-School Bookbags

Back-to-School Back Packs for Underprivileged Youth
Each year we fill backpacks with school supplies and distribute them to the underprivileged youth of the Deerfield Beach Housing Authority.