New Here?

Service Times:  Sundays - 9:30 am - Holy Eucharist



When you come to St Nicholas you can expect to be welcomed into a friendly, positive environment. Our service lasts an hour and is filled with people from all walks of life. There is a choir and an amazing music minister to fill your heart with song, as music lifts spirits toward heaven. Every week you can come hear an inspiring message from the Gospel (Bible) and our amazing Clergy.

Let us know you are coming so we can roll out the red carpet for you. Arrive a few minutes early to get a great seat.  Don't forget to join us for coffee and treats after the service as we enjoy a time of fellowship. We would love the opportunity to meet and get to know you – and you us.


You’ll find people wearing anything from casual attire to business suits occasionally. St Nicholas Episcopal Church is not about what you look like or what you wear. Dress how you feel most comfortable.
Come as you are – as one loved by God.


We’ll warmly welcome you the moment you arrive and invite you to stay after the service for coffee and fellowship. You’ll also be invited to sign our guest book and leave your email address so you can receive our electric announcements of upcoming events.


Do you need more information? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you. Feel free to call or send us a message. Transparency is one of our values so ask us about anything.

The Steps to the Service

When you come to worship on Sunday mornings you will be given a service bulletin. The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and The Hymnal 1982 are located in the pews.  Our service may be unfamiliar at first, but one thing we promise is that we will treat you with respect as a welcomed guest. Our desire is to help you feel comfortable as you worship God with us. We hope you find our services both beautiful and meaningful.

Our service is called Holy Communion or “Eucharist” (a word meaning “Thanksgiving” in Greek). Since the beginning of the Church, the Holy Spirit has gathered Christians together to break bread and give thanks to God the Father for what God has done for us through the Son Jesus Christ (Acts 2:42).

The service is divided into two parts: “The Liturgy of the Word” and “The Liturgy of the Table.” The first part includes readings from scripture, a response to God’s word from the pulpit, songs and prayers. The second portion of the service, Holy Communion, is when we observe the special meal Jesus shared with his disciples. Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”  It is an outward and visible sign of our “communing” with him.

All baptized Christians are welcome to take communion in the Episcopal Church.





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You will notice that in some portions of the service some people are standing and some are kneeling, you may choose to do as you feel the most comfortable.

You may also choose whether to receive the consecrated bread and wine separately or combined by intinction*. If you prefer to receive the bread and wine separately, approach the alter with your hands cupped open.  If you would rather receive the bread dipped in the wine, please hold your hands together, forming “praying hands,” to indicate your preference.
