Clergy & Staff


The Rev. Mark Andrew Jones, BSG

We have discovered the blessing of being a blessing for others through our life-giving and life-enhancing ministries.

Chief among these is our signature ministry – the Holy Grill mobile feeding ministry. The Holy Grill is a St. Nicholas ministry of feeding both bodies and souls, but it also has rapidly acquired the character of a regional ministry with representatives of several churches and other organizations helping. This ministry has served over 67,000 hot, spirit-lifting meals to the unhoused, the working poor and food insecure since starting in September of 2016. In addition, the Holy Grill supports disaster relief efforts on the streets after major hurricanes, distributing food, water, and ice in impacted areas.

St. Nicholas also operates the Holy Provisions free community market. Each week we distribute food to the elderly, shut-ins, and low-income earners facing food insecurity.

As part of a ministry of hospitality and entertainment, St. Nicholas also engages the elderly through Bingo, providing stimulative benefits while also offering fellowship and social interaction. For us, it’s about building community. Toward that end our clergy have visited bingo players when they’ve been hospitalized and we’ve officiated at their funerals.

To everyone involved in these (and other ministries) "Thank You!" St. Nicholas would not be "Christ's Church at St. Nicholas" without your witness. May God continue to bless you and your ministries!

To God alone the glory,

Mark Andrew+

Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Roger Allee

Doreen Gauther
Senior Warden

Bob Reid
The Holy Grill

Olivia Drakes
Junior Warden


Glenn Devitt
Choir Director & Organist

Tricia Blair
Parish Administrator