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March 6, 2025
March 6, 2025, 8:05 AM

My Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Yesterday, with Ash Wednesday, we began our Lenten journey to Easter. 

Some of us will give up or sacrifice sweets, alcohol, tobacco or other things that are enjoyed in other times of the year to strengthen the Will and our spiritual discipline over the material and physical, or to identify more closely with the Passion of our Lord. Still others may strive to simplify life to ensure that the possessions we own do not own us, enabling us to be more present and generous for others. These are worthy endeavors, and I endorse them all.

But none of our Lenten practices will mean much and will transform little if we don't also strive to identify with our Lord's unconditional and unbounded compassion. So, please consider doing the following as we make our way through Lent, to be transformed for Easter:

Give up hurting or insulting words. Be kind.

Give up envy and live a life of gratitude.

Give up anger and practice patience.

Give up worry and anxiety and put trust in God to work.

Give up bitterness and know the liberating joy of moving on.

Give up selfishness and know the blessing of being a blessing for others.

Give up grudges and divisiveness and know the peace of reconciliation and community.

Give up speaking to condemn, judge, or persuade, in favor of listening to understand, empathize, and come together.

Do these things and Easter will be a grand celebration of new and abundant life, indeed.

In Christ's Love,

Mark Andrew+

"Anxiety weights down the human heart, but a good word cheers it up" (Proverbs 12:25).